Have HMRC Invested in Fishing Rods?
In some recent instances an HMRC officer has simply turned up, unannounced and sought to engage with a director. Whilst this may be appropriate if you are trying to catch drug dealers or people smugglers, it is not the right approach to simply check on legitimate businesses.
Employees can be concerned by such a visit and think the business is in trouble or the owners operating dishonestly. It also makes no allowance for the fact that most of us are extremely busy right now, and an unexpected disruption can be a huge pain.
So what should you do?
If HMRC call you, please call us. This will allow us to ensure that the right processes are followed. One of the key issues is getting the right balance between trying to be helpful and compliant with HMRC when you have nothing to hide, and making sure that anything you say does not impact on the insurance cover most clients have to cover them for full HMRC investigations.
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