Tax never gets simpler. Currently there are well over 100 different taxes covering individuals, companies, partnerships, charities, trusts and many more structures. The last finance act was almost 700 pages long. And of course they change every year depending on which government is in power and what objectives they have.
So how do you know if you are utilising all of the tax reliefs available to you? Could you be paying more tax than you need to? Are your affairs structured in a tax efficient manner?
The answer for most clients is a tax planning review. The goal is to identify areas where your tax could be reduced, or the structure of your affairs could be improved to achieve your goals and aspirations. Completing a tax planning review with us will involve working closely with you to mitigate your tax exposure with an independent financial advisor from Mark Holt & Co Wealth Management Team who can also provide holistic advice on areas such as pensions.