Most businesses borrow money at some point. Whatever your needs, having the right type and amount of business finance can often be the difference between success and failure. Our funding review considers all your current borrowings and your future plans, to see whether you are able to borrow in a more effective way.
That could be to reduce your finance costs with lower interest rates or fees, or it could be to find options to liberate security and raise more money. It also looks at the type of lending to see whether you could reduce personal or business risk. For example, you may well have been prepared to offer personal guarantees (PG’s) when you borrowed money 10 years ago with a small business and a lot of enthusiasm, but now the business is established and has a strong balance sheet, perhaps PG’s should no longer be needed. We have even seen situations where PG’s were set up many years ago and that debt long since repaid, but the PG has not been withdrawn and gives the bank ‘accidental’ security over your personal wealth.
Whatever the issues, our funding review clarifies the situation, assesses value for money of all your funding arrangements compared to the market place and outlines a range of options you should consider.
It’s peace of mind on a business critical issue.